
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day of the Dead (El Dia de los Muertos)
El Dia de los Muertos is one of the most globally popular Hispanic/Mexican Holidays.  Also known as, Day of the Dead; it spans the first two days of November.  Since celebration begins at midnight October 31, Day of the Dead has often been confused with Halloween (another holiday filled with misconceptions).  El Dia de los Muertos is actually a celebration of life!
Day of the Dead received additional stigmatism due to its use in sub-culture zombie films, causing individuals to associate it with raising deceased bodies from the ground that are then allowed to wander the earth.  Like most cinematography concepts, this one is loosely based in truth.
El Dia de los Muertos can be more directly related to the Catholic Holidays 'All Saints Day' and 'All Souls Day'.  On these days, it is believed the gates of Heaven are opened and all the spirits are allowed to descend on earth to celebrate with family and friends.  The first day (also known as Day of the Innocents) focuses on the children and saints, while on the second day, all remaining spirits are allowed to join in the festivities.
Frequently local communities come together in marketplaces to celebrate these holidays.  They will sell toys, cakes, food, cigars and other assorted items that family members will buy and set out as gifts for the visiting spirits.  In this way, they symbolically honor the dead and take a day of remembrance for those whom they've loved and lost; while reminding everyone how fragile and brief life is.
Merging the beauty and morbid frailty of life into a widely recognized, family oriented holiday has created a unique artistic style being widely adopted as "sugar skull".  This style is primarily any skull or skeleton adorned with bright coloring and/or detailed designs.
The sugar skull style has been openly adopted by the tattoo community as it embraces life and death in very similar fashions.  Often one gets a tattoo as a memorial for a specific individual but any time we receive a tattoo we are creating a memorial on our skin.  Tattooers often face life and death through their art.
While traditional sugar skull style is a solid white skull portrait adorned by primary or pastel colors and intricate designs, it can also include a full skeleton, be created in black and grey, to focus on the design aspect, or be a simplified color design to signify a specific characteristic or aspect of ones life.
No matter how an individual decides to express the 'Sugar Skull style' it should contain these basic components; a skull or skeleton (usually solid white for contrast), vivid colors and/or intricate designs.  Additionally, the imagery should focus on a memorial for the wearer that will remind them of life's fleeting moments or a loved one from the past, who has shaped their life for the better!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Dance of Death

Skull Moon; Nadine Morris 2010
I want to know what a tattoo is!  Don't you?  I mean, really, what is it?  Why get one?  Is it worth it?  What IS a tattoo?  That's the reason I began this journey.  To answer that exact question.  I quickly realized it was no simple question to answer.  It would take a deeper study.

I concluded there to be three important variables; the type of person willing to receive a tattoo, the source of inspiration for the tattoo and the significant meaning behind getting/having the tattoo.  While I can hypothesis over the type of individual willing to receive a tattoo, do to growing mainstream acceptance of the tattoo and body arts, I must first discover WHY the individual receives the tattoo.

Rhiana 'Remy' Malay
Los Angeles, CA
"I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge.  It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason.  It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom." - Edgar Allan Poe *(1)
Sugar Skull; Nadine Morris 2010
With fall, October and consequently Halloween quickly approaching I've begun my study on macabre tattoos.  Many correlations between macabre historical origin and Hispanic or Judeo-Christian influence have been drawn over the years.  However, there is minimal evidence to relate it directly to either.  The Hispanic-Catholic holiday 'Day of the Dead' or 'All Souls and All Saints Day' as well as the Mexican Sugar Skull art style are, by definition, forms of macabre but are unlikely the origins.  *(2)

ma•ca•bre [muh-kah-bruh, -kahb, -kah-ber]
1.  gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible.
2.  of, pertaining to, dealing with, or representing death, especially its grimmer or uglier aspect.
3.  of or suggestive of the allegorical dance of death.  *(7)

The earliest historical reference to macabre art currently recognized is a painting known as 'Cimetière des Saints-Innocents' or Saints Innocents Cemetery, painted in France, toward the end of the 19th century.   During its years of service, the site was a mass burial plot in France known as Champeaux.  These mass burial sites were common in early French culture; often containing 1500 bodies per grave.  Once full, towns would often build walls around the cemetery and continue stacking additional corpses until major health concerns arouse amongst the varying towns.  The bodies were exhumed and transported to catacombs.  *(3)

Saints Innocents Cemetery; Hoffbauer.
The town economies may have suffered as the wealthy land owners made profit from burial site fees.  The mass graves created unique conditions, delaying decomposition and creating a surplus resource of fat.  Some believe the fat was collected and converted to soap after the bodies were moved.  *(3)  The willingness of the artist to focus on the subject of death directly reveals the cultural infatuation with the process of death and the fragility of life.  It is also believed, due to the popularity of this particular cemetery, an unknown artist of the time painted a mural on the wall known as 'Danse Macabre' or Dance of the Dead.  *(4)

Tattoo (Totentanz); Markus Willeke 2007
acrylic on canvas, 220 x 220 cm
Dance of the Dead, also known as: "Danza de la Muerta (Spanish),... Danza Macabra (Italian), Dança da Morte (Portuguese), Totentanz (German), Dodendans (Dutch)..." *(5) is actually a particular depiction of life.  It often contains multiple skeletons arranged to 'appear' dancing over a grave.  The subject in the grave varies but the dancing skeletons often represent religious, political or social figures of the time.  Another variation may contain 'stages of one's life' on the way to the grave.  Both versions of the 'Dance of Death' are intended to remind the viewer of how brief and vain life is.  They were often used in conjunction with sermons of the time.  *(5, 6)

For anyone willing to appreciate the beauty hidden within the grim and ghastly nature of macabre art and tattoos, they'll find a reminder of the true value of life.  Whether it contains skeletons, the reaper, a religious reference or some other correlation to death, they will hear the voices and inspirations of our ancestors crying out to live our lives, not just wait around to die.  For those that wear the tattoos, it is as if they stare death itself in the eyes and never back down.  

Nurse; "Meaning of Life" tattoo:  Nadine Morris 2010
As always, a huge thank you goes out to my dear friends at Atattooed Tattoo (in Westerville, OH: for sponsoring this creative endeavor in finding the meaning behind our colorfully inked skin.  Be sure to follow this blog via

*(6) Sophie Oosterwijk (20040, 'Of corpses, constables and kings: the Danse Macabre in late-medieval and renaissance culture'.  The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 157, 61-90. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget!

Eleven years ago today, I stood in front of my manager explaining the brace on my arm from a mountain biking accident and why that was not going to allow me to earn my paycheck that day. It was difficult getting his attention as it was fixated on the television behind me. When I turned around I heard a fellow waiter yell "Oh my God, what was that?" As I stared at the television I watched a second plane crash into the remaining World Trade Center Tower. My brain unwilling to accept the image before me.
Eleven years later I find myself reflecting over where I've been and how blessed I am to still be alive. I was no where near any of the needless violence that day but as I look back I am reminded of how fragile life is; how short of a time we all have. I find myself looking down at the inked tattoo design on my arm and wonder what it really means to me, since one day it will be nothing but ash and dust.
It is then that I realized it takes a certain kind of person to receive a tattoo, or any body modification for that matter. It takes a warrior; an individual who resists social conformity and stands for liberty. It takes an individual capable of standing alone; willing to lay down their life for their beliefs. It takes a person who wants to remember the past pleasures and pains so they may grow and never forget.
Even with the rise in popularity of tattoos, it is still the counter culture brother and sisterhood of the modern day warrior. I hope you will join my in-depth journey as we discover together, over the next several months, what tattoos mean to us, what they say about where we have been and what they can tell us about where we need to go. More so, I hope you take a moment today to remember the pain from our past so that we may never forget but also, that we may grow.
(Tattoo images from various internet resources, via Google Image)